We can see that the borders of the image are very dark. The high peaks indicate the cells and the lower ones are the fluorescence around them. From this analysis we can conclude that this is the so-called "speckled" pattern of antinuclear antibody test.
From the ROC space we can see that high threshold values give very low sensitivity but high specificity. This is because most noise edges are removed (non-edge finding likelihood increases) but we have remove a lot of true edges (true edge finding likelihood decreases).
The optimal threshold is the point which lies on the diagnosis line chosen to be from (0, 1) to (1, 0).
See report for information on why Canny performed "badly". Even between sigma (0, 1] the sensitivity is under 0.40
For explanations please see the attached report.
As we can see Anisotropic Diffusion has improved Canny a lot (doubling the sensitivity value). This is because AD removes noise without blurring the image (instead it sort of "cartoonizes" it). This enables canny edge detector to not suffer from low intensity cells at the edges (and therefore miss edges and creating discontinuities).
In fact Anisotropic Diffusion is widely used before segmenting cell images.
For explanations please see the attached report.
Here we can notice that the sensitivity decreases very fast compared to Sobel (or Roberts). This is because during the erode process some edges might be removed and this propagates to the Sobel edge detection and thresholding.
For explanations please see the attached report.
It can be noticed that LoG did not perform very well with this image. One can note that specificity if high because most of the non-edges are correctly detected. However we have the same problem with Canny (without AD) where edges around the cell are detected. As we saw this can be solved using the dilate-erode method.
One can see that DoG is an approximation of LoG since the two have almost similar ROC space points (according to their respective parameters).